Report a Claim / Incident
Property Damage
NC State buildings and structures are insured through the State Property Fire Insurance Fund, administered by the NC Department of Insurance. All property is required to have coverage for losses caused by Fire and Lightning. General funded buildings receive this coverage at no cost. Receipts-based buildings must pay for all insurance coverage. Various levels of coverage are available depending on the level of risk retention desired. Property claims are subject to a $5,000 deductible, which is the responsibility of the department.
Click the link below to complete and submit a property damage claim. Attach any photographs, estimates, invoices or other documentation to support the claim. IRM will investigate the claim and submit a proof of loss to the Department of Insurance for reimbursement.
Vehicle Claims
NC Statute (GS §58-194.1) requires that all state-owned, self-propelled motorized vehicles carry liability insurance. It is the responsibility of each department to report newly acquired vehicles to IRM. Each department may choose whether to insure each vehicle for collision and comprehensive coverage in addition to liability coverage. Coverage is provided by Travelers’ Insurance. The following deductibles apply to comprehensive and collision:
Vehicles up to $75,000 value
- Comprehensive Deductible = $100
- Collision Deductible = $500
Vehicles > $75,000 value
- Varies depending on vehicle value
Vehicular accident and property damage is defined as any accident occurring between an NC State vehicle (owned or rented) and another vehicle, pedestrian, animal or fixed object. Contact law enforcement to investigate all vehicle accidents. It is incumbent upon the employee to ensure that all facts are obtained with respect to the other driver.
NC State employees should not admit fault or liability or make any statement relative to guilt or responsibility. Employees should provide law enforcement with the facts related to the accident.
If you are involved in a vehicle accident in an NC State vehicle, complete the auto claim form online in the eRIMS2 system to submit a vehicle claim and complete the NCSU Supervisor’s First Report of Incident. Attach any photographs, police reports, rental agreements or other information to support the claim.
For comprehensive and collision claims, the department is responsible for securing repair estimates and coordinating repairs.
Rental Vehicle Claims
If you rented a vehicle through the State Term Contract, notify the rental car company and also enter the vehicle accident information in the eRIMS2 system. As long as you rented the vehicle using NC State’s custom account number, the vehicle insurance was included in the daily rate.
Other Forms
Student / Visitor Incident Report Form
Employee Accident reporting (EHS website)
NCSU Supervisor’s First Report of Incident (EHS website)