Intranet with Business Office

Environmental Health & Public Safety is developing a new resource that will act as an administrative portal for EHPS staff. This resource will be found on the EHPS website and made available in the upcoming months. Documents, forms, and additional information about a wide variety of topics such as purchasing, traveling, and hiring will all be located in this one convenient location. The goal of this project is to make important information more openly available to staff and reduce the headache of sifting through documentation to find simple pieces of information.
Annual Portable Use Authorization And Electronic Equipment Review

NC State’s Office of Information Technology requires EHPS to verify and approve the use of all mobile devices, including (but not limited to) Laptops, iPads, and cell phones (both Android and iPhone). .
The EH&PS Strategic Initiatives team has developed a process for all users of electronic mobile devices, to ensure that the authorized use and minimum security controls such as registration, system updates, and account information are met.
Please complete this asset tracking requirement by February 3, 2024. Should you have any questions, please let us know.
Home / Portable use authorize form
As a Reminder:
NC State’s Office of Information Technology requires minimum security controls on all mobile devices, including (but not limited to) Laptops, iPads, and cell phones (both Android and iPhone).
Not securing your mobile devices can result in data breaches that leak sensitive information belonging to you and others, and subsequent impacts to university business.
Please visit Mobile Security at NC State for more information!
EPSI Is Now Fully Utilizing ServiceNow For All Customer Service Requests!

In order to provide the prompt and efficient handling of all EH&PS SI needs, we are now fully utilizing ServiceNow as a one stop webpage for all of your Hardware / Software / Website / Reporter / Network / Phone requests!
Please BOOKMARK our services page. We will no longer utilize direct emails for assisting customer needs, and you will be directed to submit a request via our services website. We also provide information full of IT resources, best practices, forms and checklists on our RESOURCES webpage.
Should you have any questions, please let us know.