Notable Moments – Risk Assessment

The Department of Risk Assessment encompasses two individual programs: Violence Prevention & Threat Management and Youth Programs & Compliance.
- The Risk Assessment Department has provided training to over 8700 university community members over the last year through multiple platforms (live in-person, live Zoom and recorded trainings) to meet best practice and compliance standards related to such topics as Youth Program and Compliance, Workplace Violence Prevention, Suicide Prevention, Bullying Prevention, Dealing with Difficult People (#5). Increased training opportunities for campus community members to include QPR/Suicide Prevention Training.
Violence Prevention and Threat Management
NC State received over 3109 concerning behavior referrals this year related to students, employees, and non-affiliates possibly presenting with concerning or threatening behaviors or being a victim or witness to potentially violent behavior.
While understaffed, case managers in the Violence Prevention and Threat Management program, directly managed approximately over 550 new cases working collaboratively with members of the University Behavior Assessment Team to assess and implement management strategies connecting individuals to multiple types of resources in meeting their needs. This direct care and support increased chances for success, positive connections leading to keeping our community safe.
Worked collaboratively with Human Resources to identify and assign required Workplace Violence Prevention: Guidance for Managers and Leaders required training. This led to 1,919 completing this training compared to the previous year.of 685. This is a 180% increase in completion.
NC State Behavior Assessment Team (BAT) and Violence Prevention and Threat Management implemented a culturally informed threat assessment and management process by formally including specialized training and inclusion within assessment and case management plan. This exceeds best practices within the threat assessment field.
NC State BAT members received over 40 hours of continuing education training (20 mandatory training hours) over the course of the year on threat assessment and threat management relevant topics.
Youth Programs and Compliance
Youth Programs and Compliance Group engaged over 200 partners who hosted educational and athletic youth programs.
Fully integrated JARS background check data within the REPORTER Minors Compliance Form to assist with accurate and timely background checks.
Partnered with REPORTER development for enhancements on the compliance form and public registration side.
Staff Recognitions
Director of Youth Programs and Compliance, Stacy Fair, coordinated system benchmark survey on system-wide practices on 3rd party programs. NC State identified as best practice.
New Staff – Lauren Shea, Associate Director, Violence Prevention & Threat Management
Stacy Fair and Lauren Shea completed and are Certified QPR Suicide Prevention Gatekeeper Instructors.
Dr. Nelson-Moss, selected to serve on the NC State Student Mental Health Task Force assisting in gathering research bound information to provide recommendations to assist the university in identifying possible implementation next steps to meet the needs of the student population.
Dr. Nelson-Moss, served as an Internal reviewer/expert in review of the Jeffrey Wright Military and Veteran Services Center submitting a report on a complete programmatic review leading to identifying key recommendations for ongoing success.
Dr. Nelson-Moss was nominated for the Finance and Administration 2023 Awards for Excellence.
Targeted attacks and suicide rates have notably increased in NC and throughout the United States in the last year which is consistent with the increase in high risk cases managed by the University BAT. This leads to the importance of prevention efforts through behavior threat assessment and threat management to support the success of our University students, faculty and staff.