Notable Moments – Transportation

Significant Accomplishments
Varsity Parking Lot Expansion: Expansion of the Varsity lot to add 450 new spaces is nearly complete and will be open for Fall semester. This $5.5 million capital project will provide additional parking capacity for resident and commuter students to handle Centennial Campus growth and other future campus changes.
Wolfline Flexibility: The Wolfline successfully navigated several challenges this academic year, including significant detours resulting from the Power Forward project, but maintained high ridership and on-time performance.
Transportation and Transit
Transportation hosted Bike to Work Day events on campus on May 19, 2023 to encourage bicycling to and around campus.
Transportation held a Bike Month Kick-Off Event, Tuesday, April 18 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Brickyard. Students, faculty and staff had the opportunity to have their bikes checked by a mechanic, register their bikes and learn about other services and opportunities available to the biking community.
Amanda Simmons joined our staff as a Transportation Planner/TDM Program Manager.
A bike fix-it station was installed in the Dan Allen Deck. The fix-it station has tools to do general maintenance and adjustments on your bike, as well as an air pump.
Transportation received a $143,933 grant to fund the addition of 10 new charging stations from the Volkswagen Settlement Grant-Phase 2 Level 2 State Agencies Program. The new charging stations will be installed and active in the Fall of 2023 and will be located in the following locations:
- Coliseum Deck
- Oval West Deck
- Dan Allen Deck
Spin is the new micromobility vendor on campus. In August 2022, they deployed 300 scooters and 50 e-bikes. They are also working with the Office of Partnerships on research opportunities in relation to micromobility.
Transportation developed two new videos to assist Wolfline and Wolftrails program users:
New staff members in Parking Services and Operations include: Jesse Moschler, Shilena Armstrong and Bryan Durham.
Parking Services and Operations
The Transportation and Parking Ordinances were updated to include several changes, including:
- Introducing non-expiring employee permits
- Increasing the fines for parking citations
- Updating student carpool permit regulations, and
- Updating procedures for EV charging
The Parking Operations and Maintenance team is performing improvements/updates to all of our facilities. Some of the work being performed includes parking lot striping, new crosswalks and adding a seal coating to lots.
Transportation completed pressure washing of all nine parking decks on campus, making significant visual improvements for our customers and removing several tons of dirt and debris from the structures.
The parking enforcement fleet added two Ford Rangers and two Ford Expeditions to their fleet, replacing older vehicles.
Signage has been updated at the Poulton and Vet School Decks, as well as the visitor pay lots at the Coliseum and Dan Allen decks.
The Visitor Information Center (VIC) on north campus was renovated.
Transportation created a form where faculty, staff and students can notify us of an issue in one of our parking facilities, such as excessive trash, a light that’s out, or if an elevator is malfunctioning. Signs were placed in the Dan Allen Deck, West Deck, Coliseum Deck and CVM Deck. On the sign is a QR code that will take them to a form to fill out.
New staff members in Parking Services and Operations include: Jesse Moschler, Shilena Armstrong and Bryan Durham.
Employee Recognitions and Development
Connor Jones was awarded the University Award for Excellence on June 14, 2023 for his work to reinvent and revitalize the Wolfline transit system post-Covid.
Connor Jones, Dean Jacques and Ray Housley were nominated for the OFA Awards for Excellence for their work in improving the transit and parking systems. Connor Jones received the award and his nomination was forwarded to the University level award program.
Chris Dobek and Caitlyn Blakelock presented at the International Parking & Mobility Conference & Expo on June 12, 2013. The title of their presentation was “The Golden Ticket Permit Problem: Promoting and Controlling Campus Mobility.”
Demar Bonnemere, Communications Manager, had an article published in Parking & Mobility Magazine. The title of the article is “Resident Move-In: A Campus-Wide Affair”.
CPMA (Carolinas Parking & Mobility Association) hosted a webinar on December 6, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., titled “Virtual Permits: Parking Management in a Rapidly Changing World” presented by Caitlyn Blakelock, Parking Services Manager.
Chris Dobek, Assistant Director for Parking Services & Operations, and Jared Wright, Parking Operations Manager, presented at the IPMI (International Parking & Mobility Institute) Conference held in New Orleans, LA July 24-27, 2022. Their presentation topic was “Technology Evolution: Driving Decision Making with Virtual Permits and License Plate Recognition.”
Kofi Thomas, Facilities Planning Manager, presented at the CPMA (Carolina Parking & Mobility Association) Conference held September 13-16, 2022 in North Charleston, SC. The topic of his presentation was “Data-Driven Parking Lot Repair and Reconditioning.”
The Transportation Department website was recognized as a 2022 Web Accessibility Champion by NC State OIT in the 501-1000 page category